We also heard from a student at the Community College that he received the press release at 12:11 pm.
Meanwhile, we, the parents who have been fighting to have these vehicles tested by the province of New Brunswick for nearly three months, and who were promised in writing and in person by the Minister of Education that we would be kept informed of any developments with Transport Canada, had the privelege of receiving the official notification from the Minister of Education at 12:58 pm.
The last to know.
No wonder we can't trust these people.
______ Letter from Minister of Education Roland Hache _____
From: Kieley, Rachelle (ED) On Behalf Of Haché, Roland (Hon) (ED)
Sent: January-15-10 12:58 PM
Cc: Landry, Denis Hon. (DOT/MDT)
Subject: Multi-Function Activity Bus testing
Dear Mrs. Haines, Mrs. Acevedo and Mrs. Kelly;
I am writing in response to your December 16, 2009 request for the loan of a 21-passenger Multi-Function Activity Bus (MFAB); your e-mail dated Jan7, 2010; and in follow up to commitments I made at our Nov. 16, 2009 meeting at my office in Petit Rocher.
As you may recall, the issue of testing came up at our meeting. At that time, we discussed that that Transport Canada is the body responsible for the development of regulations and national standards, as well as for the implementation of monitoring, testing, inspections for transportation in Canada.
As I promised you at that meeting, Transport Canada has been contacted and I am very pleased to be able to tell you that Transport Canada has agreed to examine the option of testing to determine which the safest tires are for MFABs. We have advised Transport Canada that we are prepared to work with them in this regard. As a result, I will not be granting your request for the use of one of our MFABs for testing.
In the meantime, the Province will continue with its current policy of having two winter tires on the back and two ribbed tires on the front of MVABs that we use primarily for travel between cities on highways, as recommended by expert consultant David Hoar and supported by two leading tire companies.
In closing, I want to assure you that we will continue to work with Transport Canada on issues regarding safe transportation of our students.
Yours truly,
(original signed)
Roland Haché
Minister of Education
CC: Hon. Denis Landry