All we want to know is if Transport Canada has made its official recommendation to the Department of Education about the use of mixed tires vs winter tires on the 21 passenger MVAF used by Bathurst High School.
We are willing to accept whatever Transport Canada says. We wonder if the Ministers of Education and Transportation feel the same?
We believe that Transport Canada's opinion on the use of winter tires has not changed since Minister Hache was told in November by Nigel Mortimer, Head of Recalls, at Transport Canada, that winter tires were the safest tires for this type of vehicle.
(Click here to read Nigel Mortimer's letter to John McLauglin, District 15 Superintendent which was cc'd to the Minister).
But no matter how many times we ask, either by email, letter or phone, nobody in the provincial government will answer us.
So here we go again, forced to make another request under the Right To Information Act to both the Minister of Education, Roland Hache and the Minister of Transportation, Denis Landry. There is no excuse for the government to stonewall us on something so basic as the recommendation from Transport Canada about the use of winter tires vs mixed tires on these 21 passenger MFAVs.
____ Letter to Minister of Education Roland Hache _____

691 rue Principale
Petit-Rocher, N.B.
E8J 1G1
(Original mailed to Mr. Hache under separate cover)
January 13, 2010
Hon. Roland Hache:
Re: Request under Right To Information Act
We are writing this request for information under the Right to Information Act. Enclosed you will find $5 fee to cover the costs
of this request.
We would like copies of any recent correspondence (since November, 2009 to January, 2010) between the Department of Education and Transport Canada regarding the use of winter tires vs mixed tires on the 21 passenger Multi-Function Activity Vehicles in the Department of Education’s fleet. Specifically, we are interested in Transport Canada’s response to the Department of Education on the use of winter tires vs mixed tires and the correspondence between your Department and the Department of Transportation on this issue.
Thank you for your attention to this request.
Yours sincerely
Isabelle Hains
Ana Acevedo
Marcella Kelly
cc. Premier Shawn Graham
cc. Minister John Foran
cc. Minister Denis Landry
cc. Gary Spencer
cc. Valerie Kilfoil
cc. Roger Duguay
Attachment: $5 fee
____ Letter to Denis Landry, Minister of Transportation _____

Constituency Office: Centre-Péninsule-Saint-Sauveur
1344-3 des Fondateurs Street
Paquetville, New Brunswick
E8R 1A4
(Original sent to Minister Landry under separate cover)
January 13, 2010
Hon. Denis Landry:
Re: Request under Right To Information Act
We are writing this request for information under the Right to Information Act. Enclosed you will find $5 fee to cover the costs
of this request.
We would like copies of any recent correspondence (since November, 2009 to January, 2010) between the Department of Transportation and Transport Canada regarding the use of winter tires vs mixed tires on the 21 passenger Multi-Function Activity Vehicles in the provincial fleet. Specifically, we are interested in Transport Canada’s response to the Department of Transportation on the use of winter tires vs mixed tires and the correspondence between your Department and the Department of Education on this issue.
Thank you for your attention to this request.
Yours sincerely
Isabelle Hains
Ana Acevedo
Marcella Kelly
cc. Premier Shawn Graham
cc. Minister John Foran
cc. Minister Roland Hache
cc. Gary Spencer
cc. Valerie Kilfoil
cc. Roger Duguay