Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Valerie Kilfoil's response to our request to the Minister for a test vehicle

Below is the response we received from Valerie Kilfoil after we sent the email to the Minister of Education, Roland Hache, requesting a test vehicle.

Click here to read the email to the Minister of Education, Roland Hache, requesting a test vehicle.

------- Original Message -------
From : Kilfoil, Valerie (ED)[]
Sent : 16/12/2009 19:15:34
To :;
Cc :;;;
Subject : RE: URGENT: Bathurst Mothers Request Test Vehicle for
ScientifictTesting in Michigan in January

Thank you Isabelle. As we discussed on the phone, the Department cannot give you an answer by tomorrow. We have a process that must be followed for both legal and liability reasons. There are also a number of questions that are not addressed in your letter that will need to be answered before the Department can respond.

Valerie Kilfoil
Director of Communications/Directrice des communications
Department of Education / Ministère de l'Éducation
(506) 444-4919