Minister of Public Safety
Argyle Place
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5H1
November 29, 2010
Hon. Mr. Trevors:
I am writing to ask whether you intend to lay a charge under the Motor Vehicle Act against Prestige Bus Service of Sackville, NB for its failure to comply with the Act.
Specifically, I am referring to the incident last Wednesday, November 24, 2010, when Prestige Bus Service knowingly drove 60 students from Marshview Middle School in Sackville, NB 298 kms to Halifax, NS with bald tires.

Second, I understand that there are four Motor Vehicle Inspectors employed by the Department of Public Safety for the entire province of New Brunswick.. I am writing therefore to ask how many licensed Motor Vehicle Inspection stations there are in the province?
Third, I would like to know how many Liquor Inspectors there are in the employ of the Department of Public Safety?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Isabelle Hains
Hon. David Alward, Premier
Hon. Claude Williams, Minister, New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
Hon. Jody Carr, Minister, NB Department of Education
David J. Johnstone, Deputy Minister, NB Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
Marc Leger, Deputy Minister, NB Department of Public Safety
Roger Doucet, Deputy Minister, NB Department of Education
Charles O'Donnell, Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Dept. of Public Safety
Delalene Harris-Foran, President, CUPE 1253