In that regard, our complaint about CBC is based on the premise that certain employees in the English Television, Drama section, have violated CBC's own code of ethics in failing to consult with the victims parents and families who were most affected by the Bathurst tragedy. We keep on waiting for a phone call from these people but here we are, over five weeks since the Dream Street Pictures made for television movie "The Phantoms" was announced and we have yet to hear from anyone at Dream Street Pictures or CBC English Television.

Here, in black and white, on its own website, are CBC's own policies and guidelines which ensure "adherence to principles and ethics, which are enshrined in the Corporate Code of Conduct Policy." Can you find the part where they have violated their own code of ethics by failing to consult with the families of the Boys in Red tragedy?
Click here to read CBC Policies and Guidelines

All employees of CBC/Radio-Canada have an obligation to carry out the functions and activities of their position with the highest level of integrity, consistency and transparency, in a professional and ethical manner, ensuring adherence to the principles and ethics, which are enshrined in the Corporate Code of Conduct Policy 2.2.21.
Click here to read "Code of Conduct" on line
Code of Conduct
EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2006
RESPONSIBILITY: Senior Vice-President, Human Resources and Organization
All employees of CBC/Radio Canada are expected to abide by the principles and ethical behaviours as outlined in the Code of Conduct Policy, in the daily performance of their duties.
Statement of Corporate Values
Public Service, Excellence, Creativity, Teamwork
CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. In the fulfilment of this critical role, the Corporation’s core values include public service, excellence, creativity and teamwork. In keeping with these core values, many people with diverse talents and perspectives work together to deliver public broadcasting of the highest possible standards.
Statement of Individual Values
Integrity, Fairness, Respect, Compliance with Laws, Avoiding/Managing Conflicts of Interest
All employees of CBC/Radio-Canada are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards in the performance of their duties to foster an environment of integrity, respect and trust and to preserve and enhance CBC/Radio-Canada’s reputation. The values of integrity, honesty, fairness and respect are essential to create and maintain a workplace that is characterized by civility, professionalism, tolerance, dignity, and freedom from discrimination or harassment. Compliance with both the letter and the spirit of the law, the exercise of good judgment in avoiding or dealing with conflicts of interest, the protection of privacy, and maintaining confidentiality are further elements that are critical to achieving the Corporation’s goals in this regard.
This Code of Conduct is intended to offer a broad range of guidance about the standards of integrity and business conduct, but no code can address every situation that individuals may encounter. For this reason, this Code does not relieve employees of the responsibility and accountability to exercise good judgment and, in circumstances where they are unsure as to the proper course of action, to seek guidance from others.
Compliance with Laws
Employees need to be aware of and comply with both the letter and the spirit of the laws and regulations that affect how they do their jobs. The reputation of the Corporation depends upon its employees’ commitment and ability to fulfil this responsibility. The Corporation is fully committed to complying with all legal requirements applicable to the Corporation’s business. Many of CBC/Radio-Canada’s activities are subject to complex and changing legal requirements. Employees’ supervisors, the Law Department and the Tax Advisor are available for consultation whenever an employee is in doubt about the interpretation of any legal requirement.
Compliance with CBC/Radio-Canada Policies
Employees must be familiar with the corporate policy framework that guides and governs their behaviour in the performance of their day-to-day activities and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with those policies and this Code of Conduct.
The corporate policy framework at CBC/Radio-Canada sets out the requirements and guidelines for employees in a number of subject areas covering topics dealing with Human Resources, Finance, Information Technology, and Programming, to name a few.
Employees are expected to review and consult these policies as required in order to ensure their compliance with policy provisions.
Failure by an employee to comply with the provisions of any CBC/Radio-Canada Corporate Policy may result in disciplinary action against the employee, up to and including, immediate dismissal.
Respect in the Workplace
CBC/Radio-Canada is committed to promoting a workplace that reflects the values of respect, dignity, professionalism, tolerance, equity and diversity.
This means that:

Discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated in any form against or from any group or individual – fellow employees, suppliers, job applicants or members of the public – including discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or a criminal offence for which a pardon has been granted.
Employees are required to promote and support an inclusive work environment, one in which individuals are accorded equity in employment processes, procedures and practices.
CBC/Radio-Canada is committed to controlling the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information in accordance with all requirements set out in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Employees who collect, maintain and/or use personal information, are responsible for complying in all respects with the corporate policy and procedures governing the collection, use and disclosure of this information.
Protection and Use of CBC/Radio-Canada Property
Employees should not use CBC/Radio-Canada property or assets for anything other than legitimate CBC/Radio-Canada business purposes. Employees are expected to take good care of CBC/Radio-Canada property and not expose it to loss, damage, misuse or theft.
Protection and Use of Information Technology Assets
Employees have an obligation to protect and use CBC/Radio-Canada’s IT Assets responsibly, in conformity with applicable federal and provincial laws, for the purpose of their work, and to take reasonable steps to safeguard these assets from damage, loss or theft.
Employees are provided with access to CBC/Radio-Canada IT Assets for business use and for the purpose of performing job-related activities. Although some limited personal use will be tolerated, it is subject to CBC/Radio-Canada Policy and must not interfere with or detract from employees' assigned tasks.
Dealing with Conflicts of Interest
Employees are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards with respect to conflicts of interest, outside activities, the acceptance of gifts and hospitality, and in all dealings related to their position with the Corporation. Employees must ensure, to the extent possible, that their personal interests do not come into conflict with those of the Corporation. If a conflict does arise, it must be resolved in favour of the best interests of the Corporation.
This means that:
Employees are required to perform their duties and arrange their private affairs in a manner that will prevent actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest from arising.
Employees are expected to act in a manner that will bear the closest public scrutiny in all dealings related to the Corporation or their responsibilities as employees.
Employees should not knowingly take advantage of, or benefit from, information that is obtained in the course of their official duties and that is not generally available to the public.
Employees should not accept gifts, hospitality or other benefits that may have an actual, apparent or potential influence on their objectivity in carrying out their official duties or that may place them under an obligation to the donor.
Protection of the Environment
CBC/Radio-Canada is committed both to the protection of the environment and to the principle of sustainable development – meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Employees are required to conduct their functions and activities in an environmentally responsible manner and in accordance with the principles set out in the Environmental Policy.
Health and Safety in the Workplace
CBC/Radio-Canada is committed to the health, safety and well-being of its employees. Officers and managers must take reasonable precautions to provide and maintain a healthy and safe workplace.
Employees must contribute to the safety of their work environment by complying with all safety directives and objectives of management and by taking all reasonable and necessary precautions to ensure their own safety and health and that of other persons affected by their work.
Official Languages
All employees must support the Corporation's commitment to meeting its obligations under the Official Languages Act.
Employees must respect the right of other employees to work in the official language of their choice in all fully and partially bilingual locations. Employees must also ensure that members of the public are able to communicate with the Corporation in both official languages in all designated significant demand offices.
Employees must support the development and maintenance of the required bilingual capability in the Corporation through appropriate recruiting and selection processes.
CBC/Radio-Canada must remain and appear to remain impartial in carrying out its responsibilities as Canada’s public broadcaster. It is essential that the CBC/Radio-Canada neither holds, nor appears to hold, a position on any matter of public concern or controversy.
To preserve the impartiality of the Corporation, employees in certain categories, either because of their public identification with the Corporation or because of their potential for influencing election-related programming, are restricted from engaging in political activity or from taking public positions on matters of public concern or controversy.
Reporting of Wrongdoings
In the event that an employee becomes aware of a serious breach of this Code of Conduct, or any other wrongdoing or illegal activity in the workplace, he/she has, by virtue of the duty of loyalty owed by employees to their employer, a responsibility to report that wrongdoing. Furthermore, an employee who, in good faith, reports any serious breach or other wrongdoing, is protected from reprisals for so doing.
All CBC/Radio-Canada employees regardless of employment status unless excluded by contract or otherwise indicated in a collective agreement.
Line management is responsible for the implementation of this policy, in consultation with Human Resources.
By-Law on Conflict of Interest
By-Law on Officers and Employees
By-Law on Contracts with the Corporation
CBC/Radio-Canada Solemn Declaration
Corporate Policies:
Program Policies:
1.1.2 – Stereotypes in CBC/Radio-Canada Programming
1.1.3 – Guidelines on Sex-Role Portrayal
1.1.5 – Good Taste
1.1.12 - Free Travel
1.2 – Journalistic Standards and Practices
Management Policies:
All Human Resources Policies:
2.3.2 – Assets
2.3.4 – Cash Funds
2.3.6 – Procurement
2.3.8 – Delegation of Financial Authorities
2.3.9 – Duty Entertainment, Receptions and Staff Functions
2.3.11 – Fraud and Theft
2.3.13 – Gifts, Donations and Other Contributions
2.3.23 – Travel Management
2.5.1 – Corporate Information Technology Security
2.9.1 – Records and Information Management
2.9.2 – Personal Information and Privacy Protection
2.9.3 – Delegation of Signing Authority
2.9.4 – Disclosure of Wrongdoings (Whistleblower Policy)
Relevant Collective Agreements
Previously Appendix A of the Human Resources Policy 2.2.3 Conflict of Interest and Ethics effective January 1, 2003.
Replaces previous Human Resources Policies including Conflict of Interest no. 1.6, Outside Work 1.10 and Outside work by Announcers 1.11
All questions pertaining to the interpretation or application of this policy should be referred to the Vice-President of People and Culture or delegate.
Corporate Secretariat
Code of Conduct agreement for managers and supervisors
Managers and supervisors are responsible for distributing this Code of Conduct to their employees and providing guidance on any item in this Code. All managers and supervisors affirm that they have distributed the CBC/Radio-Canada Code of Conduct to their employees by signing this agreement.
I acknowledge that I have distributed to my employees the CBC/Radio-Canada Code of Conduct on _____________________, and that I have clarified for my employees the standards established by this Code as required.
Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________________
Name: ___________________________________
Title: ____________________________________
Area/Department: _________________________
Click here to read CBC Policies and Guidelines