For anyone who says that this tragedy in Ontario is something that doesn't happen very often, we'd like to everyone know that it's the fourth such accident this year involving agricultural labourers, three of them in the province of Quebec.
Interestingly, in Quebec, the police and the media use the word "mini-bus" to describe 15 passenger vans, so it doesn't always jump out at the casual observer that here is ANOTHER fatal 15 passenger van collision in Canada involving agricultural labourers. If these were children, 15 passenger vans would be hauled off the road permanently!!
February 2, 2011
Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
One man was killed after being trapped under a 15 passenger van in Trois Rivieres, Quebec. In the article, they describe the vehicle as a "bus" but is really a 15 passenger van. We frequently see the use of the term "mini-bus" to describe 15 passenger vans in Quebec, which is then used literally by English press to mean "mini-bus" or bus when it is actually at 15 passenger van.
Click here to read article on CBC website.
February 10, 2011
Berthierville, Quebec
Five agricultural workers from Quebec who were on their way home from the night shift at a poultry processing plant were killed in this 15 passenger van collision with a Yellow School Bus in Berthierville, Quebec.
Read article on CBC news website
April 19, 2011
Mont Mangy, Quebec
One dead, 3 seriously injured. Again, you see the word "mini-bus" used to describe a 15 passenger van in french. In this case, the van was loaded with Guatemalan migrant labourers on their way home from a shift at the poultry processing plant where they were employed.
Click here to read article on Radio Canada (French CBC) website