Hello ladies,
I want to thank you for keeping the spotlight on the safety of our school children. I was born in Bathurst, now live near Saint John, and have a son in grade 1, and a daughter who will start kindergarten next year.
I want to offer my support and any practical help I can offer.
I was shocked when I heard about the bus from Jacquet River last week, my first thought, like so many other NB'ers, was of your sons, and how it could be possible that another tragedy came so close to happening again. Obviously, there has not been enough done to protect the safety of our children.
Most of all, I wanted to say, my thoughts are with you, so very sorry for your loss, and your crusade is so very important.
Sincerely, dated February 22, 2009
Hello from Sydney, N.S. My wife and I, along with people all over the world, were saddened by your loss. I have been driving professionally for 26 years and have seen, and still do, the neglect of both drivers and vehicles. I have written letters to government officials in the past to voice my concern and offer suggestions but my countless hours on the road don't seem to have much impact on those who sit in an office all day, look at statistics, then judge what is safe and what is not. If one of those young men had been the son of an elected official, lawyer, police officer, doctor, etc., would the procedure have been the same? Blame will not bring back your sons, but you are taking the proper measures to save someone else's child. I endorse your pursuit for an inquest and I hope and pray that someday our children will be able to live as God meant them to live. Thank you and God be with you!
Hello, thank you for your reply. I hear that you have been granted an inquest, which is good, thanks to your persistence. The travel, in adverse conditions, is always a problem for areas like NB. What boggles my mind is why do they cancel bingo and not a sporting event! The game, whatever the sport, seems to take precedence over safety and that's sad, not only sad, but downright criminal. Do you notice how quickly school is cancelled when there's a snowflake on someone's windshield? I don't know what to tell you, other than continue to persist. I will be following the inquest and hope that some changes will be made to the system, for the good of all concerned. Keep in touch and good luck!