Of interest to anyone who is concerned about safety of children is that the bus was inspected three days earlier at a garage in Belledune.
Brice is being interviewed by Rogers Cable and will tell his story.
The episode will air on Rogers Cable starting Wednesday February 25, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. and 6:pm and again at 10:30. It will be repeated again on Thursday and Friday
at the same times.
COMMENT Dated February 22, 2009
Hello ladies,
I want to thank you for keeping the spotlight on the safety of our school children. I was born in Bathurst, now live near Saint John, and have a son in grade 1, and a daughter who will start kindergarten next year.
I want to offer my support and any practical help I can offer.
I was shocked when I heard about the bus from Jacquet River last week, my first thought, like so many other NB'ers, was of your sons, and how it could be possible that another tragedy came so close to happening again. Obviously, there has not been enough done to protect the safety of our children.
Most of all, I wanted to say, my thoughts are with you, so very sorry for your loss, and your crusade is so very important.