Michelin North America (Canada) Inc. wants to clarify its position on the tires to be used on Class 1, Class 2 and some Class 3 light truck vehicles (see chart on page 2) for safe driving during the winter.

For Class 1, Class 2 and some Class 3 dual drive vehicles with 6 tire positions, Michelin recommends to use winter tires in all positions to provide the optimum balance of performance and overall vehicle stability. However, some Canadian fleets are using winter tires (4) only on the drive axle, which could prevent potential oversteer. From observations of these fleets, we believe this is permissible.
Michelin North America (Canada) Inc.
Michel Boutin
Michelin Amérique du Nord (Canada) inc.
Michelin North America (Canada), Inc.
3020, Avenue Jacques-Bureau T : 450-978-4700
Laval (Québec) Canada www.michelin.ca
H7P 6G